Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Pour aimer et etre aime"...( To love and be loved)

Jason, I remember when you asked me out. I almost fell out of the chair. How could this gorgeous and very gentlemanly guy be interested in ME? I was the girl who always found the bad guys, and they found me, too. I remember thinking, "How could I tell this guy no?" And later, when I couldn't decide what to do, my mom said, "What is it that you love about him?" I answered, "We can sit on the porch drinking coffee, and we don't have to say ANYTHING. We can just BE." I'd never had that with anyone. Everyone else had to be entertained. Not you, though. I could look into your green eyes and smile, and you were happy to recieve just that. I felt so safe with you, so perfectly fit in your arms, with my head against your chest, and your lips in my hair. I have never been so happy to be short in all my life:) I loved looking up to you, in all your tall glory:) You were like water in the desert. Then, when you asked me to marry you-of course I thought you were joking. I'm so glad you were not! Our friendship has grown deeper over the years, and I am so thankful for that. Sometimes people grow apart. We have grown closer. With God in the center of it, we can only grow closer to each other as we lean in toward HIM. You have grown spiritually, and emotionally, and so have I. You are the perfect compliment to my life. You are such a good Daddy, and I hope Drew grows up to be so much like you. Thank you for stealing my heart away, that first night that I met you, in the midst of my messy, crazy life, and pulling me in to the shore. Thank you for continuing to steal my heart every day. I love you. Happy anniversary.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

"All boy"

These are just too precious not to share. Drew loves throwing a ball, any ball, and catching and bouncing it, too. He's also very into tractors and trucks. He has a John Deere tractor that he plays with nonstop, and one that he can ride on now, too, thanks to my friend Lisa. He is also very fond of wheels, so when Jason decided it was time to clean his wheels, Drew was all over it. He was "helping" the whole time, and kept patting Daddy on the head, which I guess was his way of telling him it was a good job:) He got a little sleepy towards the end, though. Cleaning the truck wheels is hard work!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Special Easter

This year was a very special Easter! Of course, we all know Easter is special anyway, as it reminds us of the hope we have in the resurrection of Christ. This year we were able to celebrate that hope with some of my extended family in Illinois. We spent the weekend at my Grandma and Poppy Webbs' house, and also got to be with my dad, aunt, and some of my cousins. We spent Saturday evening at the park across the street from my grandparents' house (the same park I played at as a child), and attended church in Geneseo on Sunday. Drew had an excellent time picking through his first Easter basket, and sharing M&Ms with his cousin, Joanna. We also visited the John Deere grounds, which are beautiful, and Drew enjoyed feeding the giant fish they have there! He got to take a ride on Poppy's tractor, which was great since tractors are his favorite right now. Jason also got to discover something new on Monday, when he was treated to a Maid Rite hamburger...they are the BEST! (We need one around here.) It was a really good time, and we enjoyed looking through pictures with my grandparents and reminiscing. It's been too long since I've been there! We plan to take another trip there soon, hopefully in the Fall. Thank you Grandma and Poppy for a wonderful time! We love you.