Monday, May 24, 2010


It has been a LONG road, to say the least. From several years of working on pre-reqs, and working as an LPN at the same time, to competing with lots of other students to get into the program and WORRYING myself silly about getting in, to getting in and making the decision to stop working and make some hard financial decisions this year, to finally being done...that about sums it up, if you leave out all the in-betweens. Obviously they didn't teach me not to use run-on sentences and incomplete sentences, or I didn't listen! :) However, I am thankful for what I did learn, and am more than ready to use my "RN brain" at a new job. I am excited about what this means for our family, and very excited about the opportunity to do Hospice. I have been pulled that way for such a long time. I truly believe that God did everything in His PERFECT timing so that I could do this. He held us up the whole time. In the midst of thirty to forty page care plans, the major stress of tests, and believing that I just might become a psych patient myself, He carried me through! I also would have never made it without the support of Jason, and all the help and prayers from our families. I know that Jason is ready to have his wife back, and in a less crazy state! He has been wonderful. I am so thankful to be surrounded with love. One of the things that I did not expect was to make the incredible friends that I did, and two in particular, as some of you know. They have been sisters in Christ to me, and truly amazing friends. I don't think I've known better, and I am excited about future time spent with them.We have so much in common, and yet, I look up to and admire them for having already traveled some of the life paths that I am just now beginning to go down, and how they handle everything so gracefully. They were an unexpected gift from the Lord. Now, I am just praying about NCLEX, and I know God will take care of me still.       "That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all your wondrous works" Psalm 26:7