Monday, August 2, 2010

Fun in the sun

Well, I'm just now getting to it, but I wanted to share some pics from our 4th of July celebration, and our vacation the following week! We had great weather, and spent time with wonderful friends. We spent much of the time on Lake Webster, but also spent time on Tippy with Andy and Amber. Tippy always has the best fireworks show...probably the best I've ever seen, and Drew just loved it. He clapped and belted out "oohs and ahhhs" the whole time, and also loved on his buddy (future girlfriend) Isabelle.They are such lake babies! They know they'll get great snacks, and sips of pop, along with jamming to music. They know the drill! We fear the day when they are 16 and are asking to go to the Tippy dance hall, like we used to do. I'm sure one of us will be spying on them if that happens:) None of us got too terribly sunburnt, though we definitely soaked up some rays! Drew has no fear, as you can see from the pic where he's jumping off of the pink rectangle raft...not sure if this is a good or a bad thing! All in all it was a wonderful time.