Saturday, January 29, 2011

In one month's time, we have put our house up for sale, found out I was pregnant with twins, found out I was losing my insurance, begun looking for another job, lost both babies in miscarriage, and then this week, lost my grandpa. My families' relationship for the last three years with him had been strained, too, which makes it harder. Sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours. Still, I know that I am in God's hands, and that He looks at me as his little child, and has lots of good things for me in the future. I have applied this week for a different job, still as a case manager of patients, but without all the on-call stuff. I am hoping I get it! We have been looking at homes, but want to sell ours first, and we will try for another baby again, but are going to wait a few months, as we need that healing time. I can say that I am SO ready for spring, though, even though it rains so much. Usually I don't mind the winter, but this year I am just ready for a change of scenery! With the sunshine always comes some joy, it seems.