Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am encouraged!!!

I just have to share! I am so encouraged, moved, and proud of how our congregation at  Lindberg Road has been allowing God to work in them to not only mature and grow in numbers, but also, (and most importantly) reach out to the community and world around us, to share what we know is the truth, and enrich other's lives with it. We have gone from a broken, and separated church, to a unified, and excited body of Christ in just a short time. It's exciting to see all the new children's ministies, and to get to be a part of some of them, along with several other ministries, and to see how these will bless others, and bless and grow myself, too. Our new preacher is deeply loved, along with his very-much-like-Jesus beautiful wife.....and I am so thankful they are here!