Monday, July 4, 2011

More than Conquerors

We have learned that in Christ, we are "hupernikao", or overcomers. That is our position. So does that mean that I have time to do all the daily things, like laundry, and dishes, and work, and plant, etc? And then do I still have time for all the REALLY important stuff, like playing with my son, and loving my husband, and worship, reading, praying, friends, family, church, sharing Jesus, lunch dates, date nights, and even.....sleep? But then what about the time I need to "stop and smell the roses", see all His wonder and beauty. His harvested fields and falling snow and shooting stars? Do I get time for them, too? Those are the times I feel closest to my God, so why can't I have more of them? More time when I am drenched in His creation, and actually get to notice. This is something I struggle with, this time thing. I think everyone does. Every female friend I have, whether shes a stay at home mom, part time worker and full time mom, single lady, or full time worker and full time mom....they all seem to feel this way. So what is the solution? Maybe I have found it, in some way....say no to some things, say yes to some things, don't be a jack of all trades and master of none, breathe, pray about it, relax about it, turn it over to the master creator....but then I have to re-learn this truth all over again when I am tired and cranky and burnt out. 2nd Corinthians 10 says we have to take captive every thought, especially negative thoughts. He has created us to do what we need to do, for His purpose, and will give us the energy to meet every important demand, believe it or not. And while I might have to keep re-learning this for the rest of my life, I am thankful for it.


Our Learning Curve said...

Thanks Jenny! I needed to read this!