Monday, May 21, 2012

Announcing Allison Caroline

She is here! I am so late getting this up...but I have been too busy enjoying her! I've also been too busy getting up to nurse and change a bazillion poopy diapers, and playing in the sun with Alli and Drew in the back yard. Allison arrived on April 20th, at 12:56 in the afternoon, and weighed 9 lbs 5.9 oz. Big girl! She was delivered c-section, and it went very well. I have an excellent doctor, who always respects my wishes, and is very knowledgeable. I was brought back into the surgical room at 12:32, and 24 minutes later, she was out. Jason did awesome, and was right by my side to bring me some calm. He was able to spend some time with me at home before he had to go back to work, which was nice, and my mom helped, too. Recovery is truly different with a c-section, but otherwise, I'd choose it over the other way any day of the week.

Allison sleeps much better than her brother ever did, which I'm thrilled about. She does have severe reflux, which we suspected, and then discovered during tests at Peyton Manning, since she wasn't gaining weight and spit up so much. She is on medication now, and I am hoping it improves things. Alli looks quite a bit like her brother Drew, especially when she's sleeping, but she also looks almost exactly like my baby pictures, which I am thrilled about! I at least got one child who looks like me, since her brother is pretty much a replica of Jason! She couldn't be any sweeter, and is such an AWESOME gift from God. We are so thankful for our baby girl!