Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summer Recap:)


Here are a few of my favorite summer pics, as it quickly comes to an end. Alli Caroline is now four days away from being five months old. I can't believe it! She is a definite go-getter. She is already trying to crawl, and says "Mom-mom". She rolls all over the place, which she started doing at four months old, and tonight we caught her wiggling right out of her swing. I suppose it's time to strap her in! We never had to do that with Drew-he was so laid back. His personality has changed quite a bit, though, and he's a little more hyper these days. ;) We got to enjoy lots of back- yard- baby- pool days, going to the park, the lakes, birthday partys, the fair, and the Childrens Museum, and even a few days at the movie theatre. Plus, add a couple ER visits for Drew. Ha! (Luckily, it was nothing life threatening). I totally enjoyed my maternity leave, and it was hard to go back, but I only have to go in three days a week, so it's very manageable. I just have to choose sometimes- clean the house and be on top of everything, or play with my kids....and I will ALWAYS choose playing with my kiddos. They are my greatest earthly blessing, and I realize that they will only be little for so long. I have also been able to really enjoy my womens bible study-and deepened my relationships with those women who I already loved, besides starting a few new friendships. That was one of the greatest blessings of the summer. We are leaving to go to Illinois next weekend for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary celebration. I am very excited! Not too many couples are together that long any more. Then, we are moving, on the following weekend!!! We are so excited to finally have more space, though itll be a little sad to leave our cute little bungalow where we have made so many memories (but not THAT sad, mind you). :) It has been a wonderful home, but we have expanded and need to be able to spread out a bit! Right now I share a closet with both kids, and we are running out of cabinet space. We don't yet have enough furniture to fill a two-story house, but that's ok! We will have lots of room to run for a while, and I am looking forward to taking my time with it and making it a really fun and beautiful place to raise our children. I am constantly thanking God for taking care of the people I love. He is SO good.