Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summer Recap:)


Here are a few of my favorite summer pics, as it quickly comes to an end. Alli Caroline is now four days away from being five months old. I can't believe it! She is a definite go-getter. She is already trying to crawl, and says "Mom-mom". She rolls all over the place, which she started doing at four months old, and tonight we caught her wiggling right out of her swing. I suppose it's time to strap her in! We never had to do that with Drew-he was so laid back. His personality has changed quite a bit, though, and he's a little more hyper these days. ;) We got to enjoy lots of back- yard- baby- pool days, going to the park, the lakes, birthday partys, the fair, and the Childrens Museum, and even a few days at the movie theatre. Plus, add a couple ER visits for Drew. Ha! (Luckily, it was nothing life threatening). I totally enjoyed my maternity leave, and it was hard to go back, but I only have to go in three days a week, so it's very manageable. I just have to choose sometimes- clean the house and be on top of everything, or play with my kids....and I will ALWAYS choose playing with my kiddos. They are my greatest earthly blessing, and I realize that they will only be little for so long. I have also been able to really enjoy my womens bible study-and deepened my relationships with those women who I already loved, besides starting a few new friendships. That was one of the greatest blessings of the summer. We are leaving to go to Illinois next weekend for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary celebration. I am very excited! Not too many couples are together that long any more. Then, we are moving, on the following weekend!!! We are so excited to finally have more space, though itll be a little sad to leave our cute little bungalow where we have made so many memories (but not THAT sad, mind you). :) It has been a wonderful home, but we have expanded and need to be able to spread out a bit! Right now I share a closet with both kids, and we are running out of cabinet space. We don't yet have enough furniture to fill a two-story house, but that's ok! We will have lots of room to run for a while, and I am looking forward to taking my time with it and making it a really fun and beautiful place to raise our children. I am constantly thanking God for taking care of the people I love. He is SO good.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Announcing Allison Caroline

She is here! I am so late getting this up...but I have been too busy enjoying her! I've also been too busy getting up to nurse and change a bazillion poopy diapers, and playing in the sun with Alli and Drew in the back yard. Allison arrived on April 20th, at 12:56 in the afternoon, and weighed 9 lbs 5.9 oz. Big girl! She was delivered c-section, and it went very well. I have an excellent doctor, who always respects my wishes, and is very knowledgeable. I was brought back into the surgical room at 12:32, and 24 minutes later, she was out. Jason did awesome, and was right by my side to bring me some calm. He was able to spend some time with me at home before he had to go back to work, which was nice, and my mom helped, too. Recovery is truly different with a c-section, but otherwise, I'd choose it over the other way any day of the week.

Allison sleeps much better than her brother ever did, which I'm thrilled about. She does have severe reflux, which we suspected, and then discovered during tests at Peyton Manning, since she wasn't gaining weight and spit up so much. She is on medication now, and I am hoping it improves things. Alli looks quite a bit like her brother Drew, especially when she's sleeping, but she also looks almost exactly like my baby pictures, which I am thrilled about! I at least got one child who looks like me, since her brother is pretty much a replica of Jason! She couldn't be any sweeter, and is such an AWESOME gift from God. We are so thankful for our baby girl!

Monday, April 2, 2012

8 months pics

 Here are my favorite maternity pics from the photos Vicki Lyndsey did! It was fun.....although it's very hard to pose, or feel pretty, when you're 8 mos pregnant and swollen! However, she did a good job of making me comfortable. She is an excellent photographer.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Recently, I finished the dresser for Drew and baby girls' room! It started as an unfinished pine dresser, and is now a "denim dresser" which the two kids will share, until we move. Then it will belong only to Drew. I wanted to do something different and interesting, and have wanted to try drybrushing, as I am into the weathered/beach cottage decor more than anything. I started with a coat of white, and then began the process of drybrushing the blue, then the white, and so on. It still needs a good coat of poly, to give it a slight sheen, and a more finished look. I have been waiting for a nice day to let it dry outdoors. I had some help from one of my best buds, Katie, too, which made it more fun! I was, all in all, very happy with the outcome, and it definitely gave more room for the kids' clothes.

The next project, after the dresser, was my belly mold, which I have always wanted to do, since I discovered them. I wish I'd have known about them when I was pregnant with Drew. It is literally a process of casting, as you would a broken arm. Next, you have to add more plaster, then sand, then paint. The finished project hangs in babys' nursery. My mom did the casting, and seemed to have a really good time doing it! She did a great job! I still have to smooth it with more plaster, and then sand. My sister has agreed to do most of the painting, in babys nursery colors, grey and yellow. I am very excited to finish it, and will post pics as soon as it's done! Right now, though, I am working on painting a mobile for the baby...too many things to do, and only 3 weeks left!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Catching up!'s been two months! Boy, does time fly around the holidays. Firstly, we are happy to announce that we are expecting a baby GIRL, for those who don't already know! I think I almost fell off of the exam table when they told us. I really was expecting it to be another boy. Tears rolled down my face, and Jason smiled and cried, and said, "you got your girl." However, ten seconds later he told me, "we are gonna have to pay for a wedding now."  REALLY?! Oh, that was good for a laugh!!!
Second, Drew had a fun 3rd birthday at Escapades, and got the usual mountain of toys and games, etc, that we now have to try and fit into our ever-shrinking house (we are still trying to sell), but he was a happy little guy. He is bigger and brighter every day, and surprises me constantly with how much he knows. I am so proud of him. His latest phrase is, "well for heaven's sake, Mommy."

Lastly, Christmas was wonderful. The people that are the very closest to us know about Jason, and his incredible decision, which made it really special. We saw some of the family, and had several Christmases. I enjoyed it thoroughly, but am glad it's over since it's always so hectic. I am now looking forward to a few snows (but not too heavy), and Spring, when baby girl will be here. I am working on Drews' room, to try and "thin it out", so we can fit her in it, and am getting ready to paint a dresser that they will share until we move. I know it will all work out. I have been talking to some of my most creative and inventive friends, who know how to make small spaces work! Happy new year and much love! Here are a few of my favorite pics from the last 2 months:)