Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Best Year

Drew is one year old today. This time last year, I was just in absolute awe at the precious gift that Jason and I had recieved, and almost nothing could pull my eyes away from that bundle. Now I would describe him as a handful rather than a bundle, but I still can't take my eyes off of him. It's incredible to see the new things he does each day, and how he grows. He is pulling up on everything and standing, and I'm sure it won't be long before he's walking. Each new thing makes Jason and I so proud! He is funny, and loves to joke with his parents and grandparents. He loves to dance, (like his mommy), and he loves to throw his basketball into the little basketball goal he has, (like his dad.) He is incredibly smart! I know every parent thinks that, as they should, but he really is. He loves to be read to, and he tries to repeat many of the words that we read now. He has recently become obsessed with our bathroom, and this is a problem because he likes to flush the toilet while I am showering! Again, he is smart, and knows I can't reach him! He loves to sing, especially in the car. He is also incredibly sweet, and loves to cuddle.We have many hopes for Drew, from sports, to college, to friendships, to the things we can hopefully provide for him. Most of all, however, we hope to help him become a kind, compassionate, and loving young man, who loves God, and can lead others to Him. We hope he is a leader, and that his values will be reflected in his actions. These are the most important things, and our plan is to always teach him that we believe this. I pray for Drew all the time, and for myself, that God will continue to mold me into the kind of mother who can help Drew become an incredible man.                      Drew, we are so proud of you! We could not be more proud of who you are! We love you, Mommy and Daddy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Something Great

This is from a card that I recieved during my last clinical rotation, on the OB floor at Saint Johns. Myself and another student were able to sit in on a childbirth class, and the nurse educator handed these cards out to the expectant parents, and gave one to us, too. I thought it was pretty cool, and I don't think I could have said this any better than it reads on the card: 

When God wants something great
done in this world,
He doesn't dispatch
a legion of avenging angels:

Neither does He call forth a whirlwind
Nor ignite the fuse of volcanic fireworks:

No commandeering of troops into battle
No discharging zealous crusaders to holy causes:

He does not orchestrate the burst and boom of thunder
Nor display His fiery arrows
Nor majesty across the sky to bring His purpose to pass.

When God wants something great done in this world...

He sends a baby and then...He waits.                                                                                         

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Tonight was our last night of the Mommy and Me Swim class, and Drew graduated as a Kipper, with a certificate and all! It has been a really fun experience that allowed Drew and I to bond in the water each week, and gave him more confidence than he already had (though this is a little scary!) We plan to do it again in the Spring, when Drew is about 15 months old. He was the youngest in his class, but made great progress over the seven weeks that we participated. He learned to float using devices, such as a noodle-he knows how to hang on, and I can actually let go of him! He also learned to jump off of the side into my (or any adult's) arms, from a sitting position, and to float on his back with me only supporting his elbows. As he gets older, the goals will be for him to float on his back, completely on his own,  to dog-paddle, and to eventually swim under water. One of the exercises for tonight was to actually drop him off of the diving board, with the swim instructor in the water to make sure his head didn't go under. Unfortunately, this was not to his favor! He let us know, afterward, just how mad he was, and clawed my skin, afraid that we were going to do it again. However, this is part of letting them see what it would feel like to fall from a greater height, and he did forgive us...eventually. About fifteen minutes later he went right back to his regular swim exercises, laughing and smiling all the while. He even hugged the instructor, which was good since she was feeling QUITE guilty! Here are the pics of Drew with his certificate (smirking), and a few random ones before and after he had his shower.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

These are some of the pics from our trip to Bear Creek Farms. It's a really rustic, quaint place to visit, with horses and antiques, a lodge with a Build-a-Bear workshop, an indoor water park, and a (way too incredible) buffett. It also has paddle boats, but, of course, it was a little cold for that! We had a great time, and got to see my grandparents, which is always a treat. Drew loved the donkey, and I think he might have jumped in there with it if we'd have let him. He clung to Jordan much of the time, covering him in kisses, which Jordan gratefully accepted. I decided to get back in touch with my inner child, and go down one of the really cold water slides several times, however, Jason was a weenie and kept trying to sneak into the sauna room and get warm instead of joining me on the slides:) We got to feed the horses, though one of them sent us running when it tried to break through the fence! It was a fun place that I'd like to visit again, maybe in warmer weather!


Friday, October 2, 2009

"In My Arms"

Artist: "Plumb"                   

Your baby blues, so full of wonder
your curly cues, your contagious smile
and as I watch, you start to grow up
all I can hold you tight

Knowing...clouds will rage in
storms will race in
but you will be safe...
in my arms
Rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be my arms

Story books, full of fairy tales
of kings and queens,
and the bluest skies

My heart is torn
just in knowing
you'll someday see
the truth from lies

Knowing...clouds will rage in
storms will race in
but you will be safe... in my arms
Rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be my arms

Castles, they might crumble
Dreams may not come true
You are never all alone
cause I will always...always love you.

Every time I hear that song, I think of Drew, and tearfully realize what he will have to go through...people who will reject him, friends who might abandon him, physical pain, people he will lose. It's too much to think about, really, but it reminds me of the conversation with my dad: "Dad, people have asked me why God even created us, when He knew we would go through so much pain. Or they want to know how He can let certain things happen. I feel that way, too, so its hard to answer them. Even though I know that pain is part of the world we live in, some things are just so bad." His response to me was, "Jenny, I asked my teacher that same thing, one time, in preaching school. Your Poppy Don asked me why God would even create us, when He knew what we would go through, and I wasn't sure how to answer, so I asked one of my teachers. My teacher's answer was, "Because He wanted children."

How amazingly simple that is. I knew Drew would suffer, but I still wanted him. This is the way God feels about us, though we don't deserve it. He loves us like we love our children, only much more than that. Sometimes I really struggle with wondering why certain things happen, and I probably always will struggle with that, til I die. It's one of my secret sins, only not so secret, now. I just have to remind myself- that's why we are given a gift to look forward to, (heaven) and God does love us, no matter if we can see his reasoning or not. Pain is part of our world...thank goodness this is not all we have to look forward to!!! We have so much in Him. Our real safety is in His arms, and in knowing His promise.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New buddies

This week Drew attended his second swimming lesson. He did a great job, yet again, and even threw himself into the water for the first time (I caught him, so don't worry.) This is part of what Angie is teaching him- to only enter the water after hearing "1,2,3, come to me." He did some new exercises and did really well for most of it. Afterward, he got to hang out with one of the other little boys from the class, Joseph, while myself and the other mommies got the boys dressed and changed clothes, ourselves. Joseph is really sweet, luckily, since Drew kept trying to pull on his ear and poke him in the eyes. He took it well! He did start covering his ear, though, after a minute or two of Drew poking at him. Overall, Drew really seems to enjoy the water. He even gave kisses to mommy and to Joseph (unexpectedly!) Here are a few pics from my cell phone. These are some sweet boys with some big cheeks!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Little Nemo

Well, since Drew's swimming lessons started last week, I was thrilled that Jason could come along (he was on vacation) to take a few pictures and watch his little guy swim. Unfortunately, a few of the pictures are a little blurry because I forgot that I had the flash switched to night vision. We realized it about halfway through. They are still good pics, though, and I plan to put them in Drew's baby book so he can enjoy them someday. He did well, kicking and splashing the whole time. I think he thoroughly enjoyed himself! He didn't get fussy until the very end, when he began to get sleepy. The goal of this particular age group is for the babies to learn how to float on their backs in the water. His swim instructor also informed me that the last session may include dropping him off of the diving board (not the high dive), depending on how well he learns. We will see about that! Jason also got a good laugh out of the whole thing since they require the parent to do certain exercises, too, like blowing bubbles in the water and saying, "Moo cow" at the same time. (You have to be there.) It's supposed to teach them how to breathe out while under water, instead of sucking in. I'm sure I'll hear about it forever. Enjoy the pics!              


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weekend at Lake Webster

We got to spend last weekend at Lake Webster, hoping to get some good weather as summer is coming to an end. We were blessed! It was not too hot, and not too cold. It was just right, really, at least in the day. We got to see some of Jason's extended family, which was nice since they live a few hours away. We were even able to get his grandma in on some boat time! Drew got to take a few boat rides dressed as Larry the Cable Guy (in the pic towards the bottom), and he got to listen to Brady and his great grandma as they read one of his favorite books to him.  Here are a few pics.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday weekend. We certainly did, other than the anticipation of my online test. Once that was overwith, it was smooth sailing! We were able to spend this Labor Day at my dad's, and we actually had really nice weather for being outdoors. My dad's house has several ponds nearby, so the boys were able to do a little fishing with Poppy D, and much to my dismay, Drew got to touch a live fish. He loved every minute of squeezing it, though Mommy was screaming the whole time. The sight of my sweet smelling baby boy touching a slimy fish caught me by surprise. However, we laughed through it and I'm glad, now, that he got to exerience that. I'm also glad he didn't actually squeeze the life out of it! The kids got to "fix" Poppy D's bike. Amanda got to get in touch with her sporty side, and Justin and Jason got to challenge each other in basketball. It was a really good time. Here are a few of my favorite pics.