Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday weekend. We certainly did, other than the anticipation of my online test. Once that was overwith, it was smooth sailing! We were able to spend this Labor Day at my dad's, and we actually had really nice weather for being outdoors. My dad's house has several ponds nearby, so the boys were able to do a little fishing with Poppy D, and much to my dismay, Drew got to touch a live fish. He loved every minute of squeezing it, though Mommy was screaming the whole time. The sight of my sweet smelling baby boy touching a slimy fish caught me by surprise. However, we laughed through it and I'm glad, now, that he got to exerience that. I'm also glad he didn't actually squeeze the life out of it! The kids got to "fix" Poppy D's bike. Amanda got to get in touch with her sporty side, and Justin and Jason got to challenge each other in basketball. It was a really good time. Here are a few of my favorite pics.