Thursday, September 24, 2009

New buddies

This week Drew attended his second swimming lesson. He did a great job, yet again, and even threw himself into the water for the first time (I caught him, so don't worry.) This is part of what Angie is teaching him- to only enter the water after hearing "1,2,3, come to me." He did some new exercises and did really well for most of it. Afterward, he got to hang out with one of the other little boys from the class, Joseph, while myself and the other mommies got the boys dressed and changed clothes, ourselves. Joseph is really sweet, luckily, since Drew kept trying to pull on his ear and poke him in the eyes. He took it well! He did start covering his ear, though, after a minute or two of Drew poking at him. Overall, Drew really seems to enjoy the water. He even gave kisses to mommy and to Joseph (unexpectedly!) Here are a few pics from my cell phone. These are some sweet boys with some big cheeks!!!