Monday, September 21, 2009

My Little Nemo

Well, since Drew's swimming lessons started last week, I was thrilled that Jason could come along (he was on vacation) to take a few pictures and watch his little guy swim. Unfortunately, a few of the pictures are a little blurry because I forgot that I had the flash switched to night vision. We realized it about halfway through. They are still good pics, though, and I plan to put them in Drew's baby book so he can enjoy them someday. He did well, kicking and splashing the whole time. I think he thoroughly enjoyed himself! He didn't get fussy until the very end, when he began to get sleepy. The goal of this particular age group is for the babies to learn how to float on their backs in the water. His swim instructor also informed me that the last session may include dropping him off of the diving board (not the high dive), depending on how well he learns. We will see about that! Jason also got a good laugh out of the whole thing since they require the parent to do certain exercises, too, like blowing bubbles in the water and saying, "Moo cow" at the same time. (You have to be there.) It's supposed to teach them how to breathe out while under water, instead of sucking in. I'm sure I'll hear about it forever. Enjoy the pics!