Thursday, September 24, 2009

New buddies

This week Drew attended his second swimming lesson. He did a great job, yet again, and even threw himself into the water for the first time (I caught him, so don't worry.) This is part of what Angie is teaching him- to only enter the water after hearing "1,2,3, come to me." He did some new exercises and did really well for most of it. Afterward, he got to hang out with one of the other little boys from the class, Joseph, while myself and the other mommies got the boys dressed and changed clothes, ourselves. Joseph is really sweet, luckily, since Drew kept trying to pull on his ear and poke him in the eyes. He took it well! He did start covering his ear, though, after a minute or two of Drew poking at him. Overall, Drew really seems to enjoy the water. He even gave kisses to mommy and to Joseph (unexpectedly!) Here are a few pics from my cell phone. These are some sweet boys with some big cheeks!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Little Nemo

Well, since Drew's swimming lessons started last week, I was thrilled that Jason could come along (he was on vacation) to take a few pictures and watch his little guy swim. Unfortunately, a few of the pictures are a little blurry because I forgot that I had the flash switched to night vision. We realized it about halfway through. They are still good pics, though, and I plan to put them in Drew's baby book so he can enjoy them someday. He did well, kicking and splashing the whole time. I think he thoroughly enjoyed himself! He didn't get fussy until the very end, when he began to get sleepy. The goal of this particular age group is for the babies to learn how to float on their backs in the water. His swim instructor also informed me that the last session may include dropping him off of the diving board (not the high dive), depending on how well he learns. We will see about that! Jason also got a good laugh out of the whole thing since they require the parent to do certain exercises, too, like blowing bubbles in the water and saying, "Moo cow" at the same time. (You have to be there.) It's supposed to teach them how to breathe out while under water, instead of sucking in. I'm sure I'll hear about it forever. Enjoy the pics!              


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weekend at Lake Webster

We got to spend last weekend at Lake Webster, hoping to get some good weather as summer is coming to an end. We were blessed! It was not too hot, and not too cold. It was just right, really, at least in the day. We got to see some of Jason's extended family, which was nice since they live a few hours away. We were even able to get his grandma in on some boat time! Drew got to take a few boat rides dressed as Larry the Cable Guy (in the pic towards the bottom), and he got to listen to Brady and his great grandma as they read one of his favorite books to him.  Here are a few pics.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holiday Weekend

I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday weekend. We certainly did, other than the anticipation of my online test. Once that was overwith, it was smooth sailing! We were able to spend this Labor Day at my dad's, and we actually had really nice weather for being outdoors. My dad's house has several ponds nearby, so the boys were able to do a little fishing with Poppy D, and much to my dismay, Drew got to touch a live fish. He loved every minute of squeezing it, though Mommy was screaming the whole time. The sight of my sweet smelling baby boy touching a slimy fish caught me by surprise. However, we laughed through it and I'm glad, now, that he got to exerience that. I'm also glad he didn't actually squeeze the life out of it! The kids got to "fix" Poppy D's bike. Amanda got to get in touch with her sporty side, and Justin and Jason got to challenge each other in basketball. It was a really good time. Here are a few of my favorite pics.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sometimes God says "Yes"

Remember the top picture? What a hopeful, blessed, exciting summer we had last year! Words could never express how extremely thankful I was, and how fearful I was, too. I knew I was blessed to be carrying this child, but I also began to wonder if the baby would be healthy, and would make it successfully into the world. Sure enough, he made it just fine, and boy, was his entrance a memorable one! Here he is sitting in the same spot where I stood last summer. As my mother always says, "If only you could have seen this picture then, when you were so miserable!" I also thought God would have mercy on me and send me a girl. I wondered if I would ever know what to do with a little boy. It's funny how God knows EXACTLY what we need and when we are ready for it. He already knew how much I would love this little guy, and how much healing would come from our relationship. God did two awesome things at one time. I can't imagine Drew being a girl! He's much too manly!         I will wait on the Lord...And I will hope in Him. Here am I and the children whom the Lord has given me! Isaiah 8:17-18.    Oh Lord, You are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Here are some new pics of Drew that I thought were pretty stinking cute. I let him drag out some of our tupperware, pots, and pans, and he loves doing that. He got a little frustrated, I think, when I interrupted him to take a picture! The other two were taken after he enjoyed making a mess out of the lime green popsicle I gave him. I poked holes in the end of it so he wouldn't get any chunks, just the juice, but he still managed to sling the sticky mess all over the place. You have to love a juicy baby!


So I have a few friends who blog, and I have laughed and cried over many posts from Christian bloggers who write about their life struggles and their growth in Christ. I have often thought that I might enjoy blogging, too, as Facebook is not always the best forum for sharing . However, right now there is a small distraction called NURSING SCHOOL which is just taking over my life! So, this will not be a daily blog by any means, but I will try to update it as much as possible as long as it doesn't interfere with my homework or family time.