Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Little Angel

All I can say is we are hopeful and excited, and mostly thankful to God for our dancing baby! It was such a relief to see a healthy baby and hear a normal heartbeat this time. We got to watch baby dancing away, waving his/her hands and kicking tiny feet, floating all around in what looks like outer space. Drew held my hand, and said "theres baby!" That was the best part.
Losing the twins was so hard, and that's the main reason we decided to wait to tell people that we were expecting this time. It would just be too tough to go through all that again, and have to relive it each time we told someone. It's nice to finally share the news!  So, today I am thanking God, and living in the moment!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chef Power

My little guy loves cooking days with Mommy! Three or four days a week, he gets to help me with whatever we are making for supper that night...he loves this! He has to be the one to pour and mix ingredients, and while he may fling chili and such all over the cabinets and floor, I could never deny him such a treat. When Daddy gets home, he likes to tell him, " I made dat." So sweet. I'm hoping one day he can just take over!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am encouraged!!!

I just have to share! I am so encouraged, moved, and proud of how our congregation at  Lindberg Road has been allowing God to work in them to not only mature and grow in numbers, but also, (and most importantly) reach out to the community and world around us, to share what we know is the truth, and enrich other's lives with it. We have gone from a broken, and separated church, to a unified, and excited body of Christ in just a short time. It's exciting to see all the new children's ministies, and to get to be a part of some of them, along with several other ministries, and to see how these will bless others, and bless and grow myself, too. Our new preacher is deeply loved, along with his very-much-like-Jesus beautiful wife.....and I am so thankful they are here!

Monday, July 4, 2011

More than Conquerors

We have learned that in Christ, we are "hupernikao", or overcomers. That is our position. So does that mean that I have time to do all the daily things, like laundry, and dishes, and work, and plant, etc? And then do I still have time for all the REALLY important stuff, like playing with my son, and loving my husband, and worship, reading, praying, friends, family, church, sharing Jesus, lunch dates, date nights, and even.....sleep? But then what about the time I need to "stop and smell the roses", see all His wonder and beauty. His harvested fields and falling snow and shooting stars? Do I get time for them, too? Those are the times I feel closest to my God, so why can't I have more of them? More time when I am drenched in His creation, and actually get to notice. This is something I struggle with, this time thing. I think everyone does. Every female friend I have, whether shes a stay at home mom, part time worker and full time mom, single lady, or full time worker and full time mom....they all seem to feel this way. So what is the solution? Maybe I have found it, in some way....say no to some things, say yes to some things, don't be a jack of all trades and master of none, breathe, pray about it, relax about it, turn it over to the master creator....but then I have to re-learn this truth all over again when I am tired and cranky and burnt out. 2nd Corinthians 10 says we have to take captive every thought, especially negative thoughts. He has created us to do what we need to do, for His purpose, and will give us the energy to meet every important demand, believe it or not. And while I might have to keep re-learning this for the rest of my life, I am thankful for it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I am thankful for...
     a day at the park (today) with Drew
          a crock pot dinner
               a eucalyptus bath

     sunshine today
          the lilies sprouting in the back yard
               meeting my girlfriends for lunch tomorrow
                    real, Christian friends who support me
                         My son's smile

     the laundry finally being caught up
          Max Lucado's new book
               My mom pulling through her illness
                    Loving step-parents
                         Loving siblings and in-laws

      My new job
           My sisters new job
                Chinese food and chocolate
                     My journal
                          My dad

      Soft, white wine
                weekend trips
                      My church family
                           My mom

     My Jesus
          second chances


Saturday, January 29, 2011

In one month's time, we have put our house up for sale, found out I was pregnant with twins, found out I was losing my insurance, begun looking for another job, lost both babies in miscarriage, and then this week, lost my grandpa. My families' relationship for the last three years with him had been strained, too, which makes it harder. Sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours. Still, I know that I am in God's hands, and that He looks at me as his little child, and has lots of good things for me in the future. I have applied this week for a different job, still as a case manager of patients, but without all the on-call stuff. I am hoping I get it! We have been looking at homes, but want to sell ours first, and we will try for another baby again, but are going to wait a few months, as we need that healing time. I can say that I am SO ready for spring, though, even though it rains so much. Usually I don't mind the winter, but this year I am just ready for a change of scenery! With the sunshine always comes some joy, it seems.